Saturday, January 17, 2009


I used to covet the button machines advertised in the back of magazines. Way too expensive or very doubtful of function.

Somehow a few weeks ago things came together, and I bought a cheap toy button maker at a craft store, as proof-of-concept for whether it would be worth investing more.

I enjoyed making the buttons.

The quality was not good.

Further research determined that there was an intermediate cost option that was less suitable for large production runs, but could turn out a nice button.

I don't have any reason to want to turn out a thousand buttons a day. Five or ten buttons at a time is my speed.

Mostly I want to play with old pictures, new pictures, odd phrases.

Today I made a button that says "Dégringoladier."

Tomorrow I may make one that says "Catalpa Gravitas."

Or perhaps "Allotropy."

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