Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Carte de Visite

Lately I've been taking an interest in 19th century photographer, particularly Stereographs and Carte de Visite.

Both were very popular in 19th century and early 20th century households, CDV typically in albums and Stereoviews with various types of viewers.

These have in common that they were typically photographs on lightweight paper glued to a stiffening piece of cardboard for durability. Often a CDV consists of one half of a stereo pair.

CDV are about 2.5" by 4.5" (about 6 x 10 cm), which puts them in the range of European playing cards of some of the regional patterns.

Aside from portraits, such I show here, there were also illustrative series of various types, and one can easily imagine how their popularity led directly into the tobacco cards, which led ultimately to the sports trading cards of today.

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